What is Design For Manufacturing (DFM)?
What is Design For Manufacturing (DFM)? Design for Manufacture or Design for Manufacture (DFM) is to improve the design of a part, product, or component to make it cheaper and easier. DFM is concerned with the efficient design or engineering of an object, generally during the product design phase, when it is easier and less expensive to do so, in order to reduce the cost of production. This allows manufacturers to identify and prevent errors or inconsistencies. Principles of DFM DFM occurs early in product development, before tooling and assembly, when the product is being designed. Doing so will make manufacturing less time consuming, thus reducing costs and increasing ease of production. The exact DFM process will depend on the product being designed and manufactured. DFM's general principles include designing objects for efficient assembly, standardising materials and components, minimising part numbers, and minimising the number of manufacturing runs required on parts in the ...